Info: Replacement Salt Refill Pack for Ceramic Inhaler; Limited Quantity Available
The Relaxus Himalayan Salt Inhaler is made of high quality ceramic. It stands about 4.5 inches high, and is nearly 2.5 inches in diameter, and comes with a 150g packet of food-grade Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt to get you started right away - enough to last several years, under normal use. You can also order replacement Himalayan Salt refill packs here.
Info: Replacement Salt Refill Pack for Ceramic Inhaler; Limited Quantity Available
The Relaxus Himalayan Salt Inhaler is made of high quality ceramic. It stands about 4.5 inches high, and is nearly 2.5 inches in diameter, and comes with a 150g packet of food-grade Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt to get you started right away - enough to last several years, under normal use. You can also order replacement Himalayan Salt refill packs here.
Product Notes:
Inhaling and exhaling the micron-size particles of ancient, high quality, mineral-infused Himalayan salt through this device can cleanse the nasal cavities, sinuses, throat and lungs, by mechanically cleaning the air passages and drawing away impurities from the surface of the cells. This can help with many conditions, including breathing difficulties such as shortness of breath; allergies, cold & flu symptoms; sinus conditions; some types of snoring; and the effects of smoking.
Suggested Usage:
Unlike nasal rinses and Neti pots which entail liquids, require regular cleaning, and only work on the nose and sinus cavities, this approach is done 'dry,' so you only have to wipe the exterior of the mouthpiece once in a while, under normal use, and it cleanses the entire respiratory system.
You simply fill the unit with the coarse crystals of Himalayan salt, and inhale through the mouthpiece (and breathe out through the nose) for a few minutes a day, to start with (working your way up to about 15-20 minutes per day). There are small air holes at the bottom of the unit, and when you suck air through it (especially while warming it with your hands), the air picks up micron-sized particles of Himalayan Pink Salt. Then it passes through another layer near the top of the unit, which has holes large enough to enable that newly salty air to flow, but small enough to prevent the salt crystals from being drawn through.
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