Info: Air Purification and Deodorizing Device; 4 Types/Capacities
PureAir air purifiers work to reduce smoke and odors and to keep mold, mildew, bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens in check.
Shipping is included to most locations in Canada for orders over $100.
Info: Air Purification and Deodorizing Device; 4 Types/Capacities
PureAir air purifiers work to reduce smoke and odors and to keep mold, mildew, bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens in check.
Shipping is included to most locations in Canada for orders over $100.
Product Notes:
We all try to keep the floor and surfaces of our homes clean to protect ourselves from allergens, germs, and odors, but we don't always pay sufficient attention to their air quality. PureAir produces four portable air purifiers featuring activated oxygen (ozone generation) and ionization technologies (in combination with air filters and other types of technology, in some).
pureAir 50
The pureAir 50 Small Space Model is the most cost-effective and lowest maintenance version of these pureAir devices. It plugs right into a wall outlet (or if that is not possible in the space you want it for, be sure to prop it up or lay it on something other than carpet so the air intake grill on its reverse side is not obstructed), and can work wonders to keep small bathrooms, bedrooms, offices, or other small spaces such as closets, laundry rooms, or the area near a kitty litter box smelling much fresher.
pureAir 500
The 500 Small Room Tabletop Model is designed to purify the air in a single room up to 850 square feet. This device also has a combination particle and odor filter which needs to be vacuumed or blown out once a month and replaced annually, when used continuously in most regular rooms (or more frequently, in some environments). It can operate at three different settings, to keep the activated oxygen at a safest level: continuous (indicated with a ring of green light at the top of the unit) for just a constant ionic clean in concert with the air filter, while people or animals are present; burst (shown with a blue light), for an automatically timed series of short releases of activated oxygen to deal with tougher odors; and away (when the unit displays red) for a more sustained release of activated oxygen for 30 minutes to deep clean the air while no one is present.
pureAir 1500
The 1500 Small Home Purifier is able to purify areas up to 1500 square feet, depending on its setting and the design of the rooms or the air flow of the home or office it's in. Both this model and its bigger brother the 3000 use three types of advanced electronic technology in all – Activated Oxygen; Negative Ions; and Plasma Generation, using Active Radiant Catalysis (ARC) – to continuously sanitize both the air and the surfaces in your home or office, as well as a more conventional passive air filter, whose three stages (mesh, foam, and honeycomb) are all washable.
pureAir 3000 Classic
The 3000 Whole Home Purifier is similar to the 1500 in embodying all the same types of technologies and also including a remote control. But it is roughly twice as big; and can be set to a much higher ozone output on Away mode; and can potentially purify the air in twice as large a space without needing to move it around (particularly if there is central heating or air conditioning moving the air around rooms); and also includes an LCD display panel. At just over a foot high, it can reduce or eliminate smoke and odors and a great deal more just as effectively as many much larger and noisier units, yet is still small enough to fit on a bookcase, shelf, or fridge (it's best to place it within a foot or two of the ceiling).
The Three pureAir Active Technologies
Unlike conventional air filters which use a fan to draw air from the immediate vicinity and pass it through some media contained within the unit to try to trap the particles and odors there, Green Tech Environmental's pureAir devices all use at least two types of more advanced active technology, to send streams of negative ions and activated oxygen molecules out in order to meet, neutralize, and help sweep away a variety of airborne elements you would prefer not to smell or breathe in.
Activated Oxygen (Ozone Generation)
The first of these is a gas composed of three oxygen atoms (i.e., O3), which is highly reactive: giving it the ability to break down the various bacteria, chemicals, mold, mildew, or other substances it comes into contact with, when they consume that extra atom of oxygen. For the units which are also equipped with a fan which push these O3 molecules out into the room, they will encounter and deactivate or kill a considerable number of potential pathogens, if there is also good air circulation in the room or house.
Ozone (O3) is essentially an oxidizing/purifying agent, releasing the extra oxygen atom to leave a harmless oxygen molecule behind. In the end, the final byproducts of the chemical reactions which occur when ozone reacts with the biological compounds it may encounter to break them down, as well, are just: carbon dioxide and water.
Negative Ions
The second active technology emits a continuous stream of negative ions away from the device, which bind themselves to the particles they encounter in the air. Those newly negatively charged particles in turn become more likely to attach themselves to any positively charged items nearby instead of remaining in the air to be breathed in by you: either to surfaces, such as walls or furnishings; or to other, positively charged particles, which will then tend to form into larger clumps that descend like dust – both of which will be rendered inert by the aforementioned activated oxygen, and which can be cleaned off the surfaces by wiping or with a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter, as normal.
The two pureAir Home models (1500 and 3000) also use a third type of technology:
Photocatalytic Oxidation Technology
Plasma generation entails transforming water vapor (H2O) into a different gas mixture of powerful oxidizers such as hydroxyls and vaporized hydrogen peroxide (i.e., HO and H2O2), and propelling it into the air to actively destroy pathogens. ARC is a proprietary photocatalytic oxidation technology GreenTech developed that uses a broad-spectrum UV lamp targeted at a honeycomb patterned plate coated with a special multi-metal catalyst to convert the water vapor in the air into H2O2 and other advanced oxidation products, including hydroxides (OH-) and superoxides (O2-). These oxidizers can change the molecular structure of things they get attracted to or make contact with such as bacteria, mold, mildew, pet dander, viruses, and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), to inactivate microbes, render contaminants harmless, and destroy odors. (Short version: these are indoor versions of the old adage, "Sunlight is the best disinfectant".)
Related: See the pureWash Pro laundry system.
50C Small Space, Wall Plug-In Model:
Most Effective for an Area of 50 ft2
4.25 inches H x 3.5" W x 2.5" D (or 10.8 x 8.9 x 5.1 cm)
Weight: 6.35 oz (180g)
Ozone Output: 50-60 mg/hour
Power Consumption: 3.0 Watts at 120 volts A/C.
Voltage: 100-240V, 50/60 Hz
Operates on and comes with an adapter to plug straight into a standard North American 110/120V wall outlet.
1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty

501 Small Room Tabletop Model:
Effective for an Area of 650 to 850 ft2
9.0 inches H x 6.25" W x 6.25" D (or 22.9 x 15.9 x 15.9 cm)
Weight: 26 oz / 1.63 lb (737g)
Ozone Output: 200 mg/hour (with a 30 minute auto-shutoff)
Power Consumption: 10.0 Watts at 120 volts A/C.
Voltage Input: 100-240V, 50/60 Hz
Output: 12 V DC.
1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty

1500C Small Home Purifier:
Effective for an Area up to 1500 ft2
6.75 inches H x 6.5" W x 7" D (or 17.2 x 16.5 x 17.8 cm)
Weight: 3.0 lb (1.36 kg)
Ozone Output: 250 mg/hour in Away Mode
Ozone Density:
High Mode: <0.04 mg/m3 (to be used as directed)
Away Mode: 1.5 mg/m3 (do not use in occupied spaces)
Ion Generation: 1 million/cm3
Power Consumption: 21 Watts at 120 volts A/C.
Voltage Input: 100-240VAC/50-60Hz (Operational Anywhere in the World)
Output: 15 V DC 3A
Remote Control: Controls Power, Purification Level, Fan Speed, and Away Mode.
1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty

3000C Whole Home Purifier:
Effective for areas between 250 ft2 to 3000 ft2 (23 m2to 280 m2). Effective coverage depends on variables such as severity and frequency of pollution, the air flow in the environment (more is better, which is more likely to happen with central heating or conditioning where the furnace has a cold air return and a fan circulating air throughout the house), humidity and temperature.
Dimensions: 12.25 inches H x 8.88" W x 10.75" D (or 31.1 x 22.6 x 27.3 cm). Weight: 9.04 lb (4.10 kg)
Ozone Machine Output: Up to 360 mg/hour in Away Mode; 25 to 300 mg/hr in High Mode
Ozone Density: will not create an environment with an ozone density of more than 0.05 ppm if used as directed (excluding Away Mode)
Ion Generation: 1 million/cm3
Power Consumption: 22 Watts for Normal operation at 120 volts A/C; 38 Watts for High or Away Modes.
Voltage Input: 100-240VAC/50-60Hz (Operational Anywhere in the World)
Output: 15 V DC 3A
Remote Control: Controls Power, Purification Level, Fan Speed, Normal or High Mode, Away Mode, and Sleep Mode.
1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty
The first of these models is quite low-maintenance: requiring only that you clean the ionization needle and the area around it with a Q-Tip style cotton swab dipped in isopropyl or rubbing alcohol, and that you vacuum its air intake grill, about once a month. The other three models all require that as well, but also have other parts which need cleaning and/or replacement.
The Tabletop 500 model has a combination HEPA-style and carbon filter on the bottom, which needs to be taken out and cleaned once a month, either by blowing it out with compressed air, or using a vacuum cleaner with a wand or brush attachment. These filters also need to be replaced after about a year of continuous use.
The 1500 and 3000 both have three types of washable air filters which should be cleaned every 30 days (whether just by vacuuming, if they are not too dirty, yet, or by rinsing under clean water), when there is continuous use, and the units cases should also be wiped down, blown out, and/or vacuumed then, as explained in the user manuals.
In addition, the photocatalytic oxidation or PCO Cell assembly and the ion-emitting purification plate in both of these Home models also need periodic cleaning (once a month for the 3000 model, every few months for the purification plate on the 1500 model), and they also need to replaced: about once a year for the PCO Cell (because of the UV lamp) on both units if the units are used continually; and either once a year for the purification plate on the Model 3000, or every two to three years with typical use for the 1500.
Naming Notes
Prior to the development of the pureAir brand, these products were marketed using the manufacturer's name (GreenTech), prefaced with GT in the model numbers (GT50/GT500/GT1500/GT3000). The 'C' listed in for the models offered here just refers to the fact that they are the models approved for use and sale in Canada.
Ozone generator rental? Depending on the application, with GreenTech's pureAir technologies now available in home units, you may not need to rent expensive (and potentially dangerous) commercial equipment. Local? Aviva is your source for air purifiers and ozone generators in Winnipeg. From small spaces to whole homes, we are your air cleaning experts. Questions? Contact us. Located elsewhere in Canada? No problem. We ship nationwide every business day, and most orders over $100 qualify for free shipping.
Ozone Safety
Previously unavailable in Canada, regulatory changes now allow the sale of some ozone generators for home use. The government has set a limit on the allowable level of continuous ozone emission for use in occupied spaces: 0.05 parts per million (ppm), which is in keeping with the natural levels typical found outside at ground level on a non-polluted day (0.01 to 0.05 ppm). GreenTech Environmental agrees with that limit for continuous use, and their ozonator products are designed to comply with this standard. California has more stringent standards, however, so these products cannot be shipped to California. Be aware that products imported from other markets may exceed the safety standards outlined by Health Can recommend limiting use to unoccupied spaces.
At high levels (like those produced by industrial/commercial units), ozone may cause lung irritation and shortness of breath if people or animals remain present during operation. High level commercial applications include use by contractors or hotel cleaning staff for mold remediation or professional restoration services following floods or fires. Industrial-grade ozone generators may be used for removing skunk odors, smoke odors, or strong pet smells. Ozone may be used in decontaminating spaces following an illness, or other similar applications. The GreenTech home air purifiers that are equipped with an "Away Mode" capability may help tackle those larger problems as well, and when operating in Away mode, the indoor ozone levels are typically initially raised to between 0.25 to 0.3 ppm. This is still below the outdoor ozone levels measured in some large cities during critical ozone alert days, and should dissipate by the time you return home. We recommend you follow the manufacturer's usage instructions.
Looking for more information about ozone machines? Read Ozone and its Role in Air Purification [PDF] from GreenTech Environmental CEO Allen Johnston.
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