Info: Air Purifier featuring Photocatalytic Oxidization
Black Friday Sale: Currently Priced at 10% Off for Purchases Made Between Nov. 29 & Dec. 2.
S&H included in Canada. A quantum leap forward in air purification ... new Space Age air purification technology now available from Airpura Industries, featuring the TitanClean Reflector, which utilizes Photocatalytic Oxidization to safely break down harmful chemicals and odors into just carbon dioxide and water.
Info: Air Purifier featuring Photocatalytic Oxidization
Black Friday Sale: Currently Priced at 10% Off for Purchases Made Between Nov. 29 & Dec. 2.
S&H included in Canada. A quantum leap forward in air purification ... new Space Age air purification technology now available from Airpura Industries, featuring the TitanClean Reflector, which utilizes Photocatalytic Oxidization to safely break down harmful chemicals and odors into just carbon dioxide and water.
Product Notes:

The TitanClear Reflector that works in conjunction with a built-in 20 watt UV Germicidal Lamp is available either in this new P600 model Air Purifier (which also features a true HEPA Filter and an 18 lb. Activated Carbon bed) or as an add-on retrofit on a model UV600, available through our Airpura - Replacement Filters and Accessories page.
Free shipping in Canada. You can download the Airpura P600 User Manual and Specifications here [PDF, 179 kb] and the Airpura P600 Features and Technical Specifications brochure here [PDF, 324 kb].

Complete Air Purification featuring the TitanClean Photocatalytic Oxidizer:
- Like Airpura's other models, it is outfitted with a prefilter, a true HEPA filter (with 40 sq ft of filtration surface), an activated carbon filter (with 18 lbs of carbon, in this case), and a 1-piece motor and fan isolated from the airflow, situated in a durable steel housing, with an Air Flow of up to 560 CFM, making it great for removing particles, allergens, microorganisms, and odours.
- Fitted with the new TitanClean photocatalytic oxidizer, which works in concert with Airpura's 17 inch, U-shaped 20 watt UV germicidal lamp (included), it is especially good for safely removing VOCs and airborne chemicals.
- Effective for rooms up to 2000 sq. ft.
- 23" high, 15" wide, 45 lbs total weight.

Titanium Dioxide Photocatalytic Oxidization: (Illustrated right: TitanClean Reflector in the center of the filter chamber, surrounding the UV lamp)
Airpura's Titanium Dioxide Photo-Catalytic Oxidizer (PCO) dramatically increases the range of dangerous airborne chemicals that can be neutralized safely and effectively.
Nano Technology Developed for the Space Age: The Airpura Titan-Clean uses the latest discoveries in nano-technology, developed by space research laboratories, to deliver a new and instantaneous airborne chemical abatement process.
Safely Breaks Down Harmful Chemicals and Odors: TitanClean's titanium dioxide (TiO2) coating in conjunction with the UV light, creates an oxidizing process that instantly breaks molecular bonds and reduces airborne chemicals to smaller safer compounds, until only carbon dioxide and water vapor are left.
No Ozone: Airpura strictly uses non-ozone generating UV lamps. When the UV lamps irradiate the TiO2, hydroxyl radicals and super-oxide ions, are produced to oxidize Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and at the same time kill and decompose bio-aerosols.
The Airpura TitanClean reflector: The TitanClean Reflector (patent applied for) was created following Airpura's SPEC-A design principle.
Simple Powerful Effective Clean-Air (SPEC-A): Airpura's design team have produced a simple powerful and effective design that maximizes the photocatalytic effect of the UV light on the titanium dioxide coating while at the same time allowing the full germicidal effect of the UV lamp.
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