🍁︎ Made in Canada 🍁︎
Looking to shop Canadian? Here you'll find a selection of supplements, beauty care, and natural health products that are made in Canada and/or licensed by Canadian-owned brands. We ship from our retail centre in Winnipeg. While not a complete list, some of the Canadian brands available in our store and online include:
Supplements, Herbs & Foods
88Herbs * AOR * Biotics Research Canada * Canadian Protein * Canprev * Certified Naturals * Enerex * Flora * Harmonic Arts * Healthology * Innotech * Innovite Health * KidStar Nutrients * Life Choice * Living Alchemy * Nanton Nutraceuticals * Natural Factors * Maiga * New Roots Herbal * NOW Foods Canada * Nu-Life * Nutridom * Omega Alpha * Organic Traditions * Prairie Doctor * Pure-Le Natural * Purica * Rootalive * St. Francis Herb Farm * Strauss Naturals * Styrian Gold * SURO * Trophic * Truehope * Uhtco * Ultimate
Personal Care
Cannanda * Carina Organics * Curelle * Green Beaver * Herbaflor * Herbal Glo * Nature's Aid * Phillip Adam * Prairie Naturals * Pure Anada * Riversol
Airpura Air Purifiers * Natura Bedding * OPUS Water Purifiers * Tru Earth Eco-Friendly Products