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Aloe Vera

Drinking aloe vera juice can provide improved nutrient absorption, while helping to balance stomach acidity. Research has found that consuming aloe supplements can increase nutrient absorption by 2000%. Quality aloe formulas help balance stomach acidity, and can in some cases ease Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (a) symptoms after about one week of use. Aloe is also very healing for those with irritable bowel or inflammatory bowel disease.

Aloe is also used topically for treating a wide range of skin conditions. Skin care products frequently include aloe because of its soothing, healing properties.

Related: Digestive System * Digestive Enzymes * Probiotics

4 products


  • NOW - Aloe Vera
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  • Lily of the Desert - Aloe Vera Juices or Gel
    Regular price
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  • Lily of the Desert - Aloe Herbal Stomach Formula
    Regular price
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  • George's - 100% "Always Active" Aloe Vera Liquid
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